Friday, January 1, 2010

Jelly Gummi Bears

Vegan, organic, and gluten free Let's Do... Organic Jelly Gummi Bears are distributed by Edward and Sons Trading Company Inc. They are a product of Germany but one side is in English, the other in French. The box, which seems a bit jumbled design-wise, contains four bags of gummi bears. The bags contain 8-10 gummi bears which must be randomly packaged because I had to open two bags just to sample all four colors.

Both packages smelled the same when opened despite the fact that one bag contained 6 green bears (out of 8) and the other, 4 red 3 yellow and 3 orange. The scent was apple juice. Not the fresh kind, the kind that comes in a lunch sized box.

These are nothing like what I remember gummi bears being like. First off, they are coated in sugar which reminds me of gumdrops, second, the texture due to lack of gelatin (not a complaint), is more jelly than gummi. The package does say Jelly Gummi Bears.

green: Hm, green apple. Nothing amazing.

yellow: I was expecting lemon but found it to be a sweet, apple-ish but not green apple, more like apple juice taste. No tang, it starts tasting like fake banana but that could be the yellow color playing with my mind as there are no artificial colorings or flavorings.

orange: Overly sweet orange juice from concentrate.

red: Sweet and very slightly tangy. No distinct fruit flavor.

Ingredients: Dehydrated cane juice*, Corn malt syrup*, Juice Concentrates (may contain apple, apricot, aronia, carrot, cranberry, elderberry, lemon, or red beet)*, Spinach powder*, Apple pectin, Citric acid, Natural fruit flavors.

*Organic Ingredients

Nutrition Facts: Serving size is one bag, four servings per container. 80 calories per serving, 0 calories from fat, 15mg sodium, 22g carbohydrate, 18g sugar.

I am not impressed with these. I do enjoy the pre-packaged serving size but how can a serving size be one bag if the first bag had 8 bears and the next 10? I like that they are all natural and organic and they are cute, but not my cup of tea. I rate them a 4 out of 10.

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